Saturday 27 August 2011

Assassins Creed
Cesare Borgia (13 September 1475 or April 1476 - 12 March 1507) was the son ofRodrigo Borgia and a nemesis of Ezio Auditore. Like his father, he was a member of the Templar Order. Eventually, he became Captain General of the Papal armies, though he secretly plotted against his father to take over Rome, and all of Italyafterwards. Even before his father's death, he claimed the title of Grand Master of the Templar Order, usurping the title completely when his father did eventually die, although he seemed to be loyal to the Templars, he only wanted the power thatthe Apple would bring.
Farmville tricks and Tips coming soon

$ixth form $kull
Its my Band the best in d world

Call of duty:Black ops

A must play really awesome sure you will be lost there 
Xtreme Aryx
Total pro in every thing

just a clip from him FIFA 11 Clips 
Too human


The Aesir

the are the avengers and the heros

The Norns

The are the devils and villans
Counter Strike Global Offensive
latest CS version
Blogger Widgets